Sunday, March 27, 2011

new home, studio and cats

so, do you remember how last year was all about how I'm never in one place? I was living for month in Philly and them one month in NY. after that, traveling back and forth Europe, Israel, East Coast, West Coast...and I didn't mention it because it was too sad, my cat which I loved dearly died from an old age (she was over 16 years old). so I'm so happy to have a home! I moved to Oakland. I have a big beautiful studio. I just love it! and after it's been a year since my cat died, I got 2 new cats. they don't like each other which makes me sad, but I love them both!


  1. That's too bad your cats don't like each other, but they are both very cute! I love your mix of toys + fancy furniture. That white guy looks especially at home on that white chair! :)

  2. Your studio is a charming little alcove from the world. It really suites your style too. Its amazing how artistic spaces can reflect their artist owners so well.

  3. EEK what a great room for tea! Your kitties are very sweet.

  4. *:--☆--:*:--☆:*:--☆--:*:--☆--:*:--☆--:*:--☆:*:--☆--:*:--☆--:*:--☆--:*:--☆

    ~~~ヾ(^∇^)おはよー♪ こんにちは。♡
    OMC (Oh my cute!) My name is Wynter Chan and I am here with ‘Adorablee’ Cute Inc. Your blog is ubersweet and we’d love it if you’d visit us, neh~!
    We are looking for genuine, adorable-loving readers. If you love Japanese anything, Lolita/Harajuku street fashion, dainty magical findings, Deco-den silicone whip, PuriKura, Asian toys, or tons of other squee-worthy stuff, this is the site for you! Daily kawaii updates on life in Japan. We hope you enjoy every adorable inch of this blog - let the cuteness swallow your screen.

    ○ ○

    YOU MAY DIE OF CUTE OVERLOAD. And if it’s not your kawaii cup of tea, that’s okay ^^ but I think you will fall in love with my happy-happy blog land~!
    If you visit, we’ll give you a big kawaii-bear hug (つ• ㉦•)づ
    And we’d love it if you followed too~!! ^o^


    PS. You art so nice lah~~^^
